OSSLT Criteria and Assignment Rubric

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Rubric developed by Mrs. Train (Please insert your own Criteria!)








Knowledge & Understanding

Newsletter Format

The response completely follows the format of a new report.

The response mostly follows the format of news report.

This is only partly in the form of a news report.

The response is not a news report.

Relevance of Content

Response is related to the headline and photo with a clear and consistent focus on an event.

The content is mostly relevant to the prompt, only occasionally straying off-topic.

The content has little relationship to the headline or image.

The content has no relationship to headline or image.

Thinking & Inquiry

Development of Ideas

Specific supporting details are thoughtfully chosen to develop the news report.

There are sufficient specific supporting details to develop the news report.

There are sufficient supporting details, however, only some are specific.

Report does not provide any supporting details or details are unrelated to event.

Safety Strategies for Computer Class

Student suggests extra resources on top of 3 valid strategies.

3 unique and valid suggestions recommended to reader.

Suggestions are unrelated to issue or too vague to be helpful.

No recommendations or suggestions.


Written in 3rd person & only contains facts

Report is written in the 3rd person and contains only facts.

Report contains facts but not quotations.

Report contains a few personal opinions.

Report is written in 1st person and gives personal opinions.

Quotations used to support facts

Report uses 2 or more quotations to support facts.

Report contains 1 quotation.

Report paraphrases quotations.

Report does not contain quotations.


Organization is coherent, demonstrates a thoughtful progression of ideas.

The organization is logical and any lapses do not distract from the overall communication.

There is limited evidence of organization.

There is no evidence of organization.


Conventions: Grammar, punctuation and spelling

Control of conventions is evident in written work.

Errors in conventions do not distract from communication.

Errors in conventions distract from communication.

Insufficient evidence OR Errors in conventions interfere with communication.