
Academics in a Torah Setting

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Academics in a Torah Setting

Here is information about institutions that offer a Torah environment along with a variety of programs.


IMPORTANT: Not all institutions grant accredited degrees that are accepted by other universities, colleges or even places of work. It is up to YOU to do due diligence and discover what is accepted by places where you might eventually want to work.



TTI – Testing & Training International

Partner Universities

*TTI does not grant degrees. All degrees are granted by partnering colleges


Stern College for Women – Yeshiva University

Undergraduate Studies

combined and joint programs in disciplines including engineering, dentistry, optometry, Jewish studies and social work in conjunction with the University's graduate schools and other leading universities.

Undergraduate Jewish Studies

Yeshiva University attracts women who want to develop their entire being—whose idea of success includes professional fulfillment, strong family and rich spiritual life.  Stern College for Women's Rebecca Ivry Department of Jewish Studies offers the country's largest and most diverse undergraduate Jewish studies program for women. 

Combined and Joint Programs

In conjunction with Yeshiva University's graduate schools and other leading universities, Stern College offers you the opportunity to earn a combined or joint degree in disciplines ranging from business administration and social work to Jewish education and Jewish studies. This wealth of programs affords you educational experiences that would not be possible within the bounds of single disciplines.

Graduate Program


Stern College for Women offers a unique and challenging graduate program: the Master of Arts in Biblical and Talmudic interpretation. It is open to students with extensive backgrounds in advanced Jewish studies.


Touro College

New York / Israel/ Miami






TI – Blitstein Teacher Institute


Bachelor of Arts

combines intensive study in a major field of study with a required general education component that consists of comprehensive core curricula in;

  • Advanced Hebrew Studies: Bible, Hebrew
  • Jewish History
  • Jewish Law (Jewish Philosophy)
  • Liberal Arts
  •  Sciences


Max Bressler School of Advanced Hebrew Studies

Provides all undergraduates of HTC with a broad base of knowledge in:

  • Classic Hebraic language and literature
  • Bible, Jewish history
  • Jewish philosophy


Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts in Judaic Studies must complete an Advanced Hebrew Studies Core by completing coursework within the Max Bressler School of Advanced Hebrew Studies (see specific requirements for the B.A. in Judaic Studies). The Bressler School in conjunction with the Department of Education provides a program for Hebrew teacher certification, which is an option to students who aspire to careers in Jewish education

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