Citation for PRINTED BOOK Source
General format
Author(s), Title, Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
One author
Battles, M. (2003). Library: An unquiet history. New York: W.W. Norton.
Invert all authors' names and give surnames and initials only. Capitalize only the first word of the titles and of the subtitle, and any proper nouns. Omit the publisher's province, state, or country, if they are well known. Canadian provinces are abbreviated with two letters (e.g., ON, NB, BC etc.).
Several books by same author
Wurman, R.S. (1989). InformationAnxiety. New York: Doubleday.
Wurman, R.S. (2001). InformationAnxiety2. Indianapolis: Que.
The author's name is repeated. If the same author (or coauthors) have several publications in the same year, list them alphabetically and add an "a," "b," and "c," etc., after the date to distinguish them.
Two or more authors
Burka, J.B., & Yuen, L.M. (1983). Procrastination: Why you do it, what to do about It. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Put all authors in inverted order and use "&" for "and". (Use "and" within the text of the report/essay) If there are more than six authors, name the first and add "et al." ("and others"): Burka, Jane B., et al. Name all the authors in the first citation. Beginning with second citation, use first author and add "et al."
No author, date, place of publication, or page
New York Public Library American history desk reference. (1997). New York: Macmillan.
When you make your Reference List, alphabetize the entry by title, ignoring A, An, or The. Use "n.d." when works give no date of publication.
Second or later edition
Booth, W.C., Colomb, G.G., & Joseph M. Williams. (2003). The craft of research (2nd ed.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Edition information is put in parentheses.
The full name of a university as publisher is used
Edited book
Mintz, A.P. (Ed.). (2002). Web of deception: Misinformation on the Internet. New York: Information Today.
Multivolume work
Sadie, S. (Ed.). (1980). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians. London: MacMillan.
Single volume in a multivolume work
Naylor, P. R. (1980-81). Footprints at the window: Vol. 3. The York trilogy. New York: Simon and Shuster.
Encyclopedia article, with author given
Likens, Gene E. (2001). Acid rain. In World Book. Chicago: World Book.
Note the use of "In" with title of reference book. City and publisher of reference book are given.
Encyclopedia article, no author given
Amaravati Sculpture. (1991). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. 1, p. 311. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica.
Reference book article
Draper, J. (1992). Austin Clarke. Black literature criticism. Vol. 3, p. 23. Detroit: Gage Research.
Tuque. (2004). Canadian Oxford dictionary. (2nded.) Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Republished book
Barzun, J.V. (1994). Simple and direct: A rhetoric for writers. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (Original work published 1985).
Translated book
Balsamo, L. (1995). Bibliography: History of a tradition. W.A. Pettas (Trans.). Berkeley, CA: Doubleday. (Original work published 1990).
Part of a book (e.g. essay, story, or poem in a collection)
Anderson, D. (1975). Real women in fiction, where are you? In E. McCullough (Ed.), The role of women in Canadian literature (pp. 83-88). Toronto: MacMillan.
For reference and books, provide the page numbers of the entire piece or section you are citing.
Novel or play from an anthology
Serling, R. (1988). The twilight zone. In R. Smith (Ed.), Modern American plays. New York: Scribner's.
Government publication
Ontario Ministry of Education (2002). The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Interdisciplinary Studies. 2002.
Toronto: Queen's Printer for Ontario.
Essential skills: Skills to build on. (n.d.). Human Resources and Skills Development Canada.
Citation for ELECTRONIC BOOK Source
General format
Author(s). Title. Source of Publication. Publisher, Date of Access.
Online book
Wells, H.G. (1895). The time machine. Project Gutenberg archive. Etext 35. Retrieved May 6, 2005, from <>
The URL of an Internet site is not italicized. There is no period after the URL.
Online encyclopedia
Sentman, E. Aardvark. (2005). In Grolier multimedia encyclopedia. Retrieved June 17, 2005, from <>
CD-ROM article
Ardvaark. (1999). World Book multimedia encyclopedia. CD-ROM. Chicago: World Book.
Online poem or play
Avison, M. The Dumbfounding. In I. Lancashire (Ed.), Representative poetry online: Canadian poets.
Retrieved June 10, 2005, from <>
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