
Professional Development

Page history last edited by Mrs. Train 9 years, 5 months ago

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This page will showcase links about on-line professional development, curriculum, administration and educational theory.
Please feel free to add to it or send recommendations to Mrs. Train!


Conferences (Online and In-Person)

*Fees usually apply at in-person conferences

Note: conference dates are approximate.


Subject Area(s)
Subject Area(s)
September On-Line (free) All  Gaming in Education http://gamingined.com/ 
In Person
Ontario Universities' Fair www.ouf.ca
October In Person Special Education, LK Yachad https://www.ou.org/events/special-education-conference-toronto/ 
October In Person Art The Ontario Art Education Association


Unfortunately it's usually on Shabbos

November In person, Niagara Falls Technology Educational Computing Organization of Ontario Conference



In Person, Toronto
Science Teachers' Association of Ontario - STAO2014 https://stao.ca/conf2/conference.php 
In Person
Ontario Association for Mathematics Education http://www.oame.on.ca/main/index1.php?lang=en&code=home 
December Minnesota Ed TEch TIES Education Technology Conference http://ties.k12.mn.us/ 
January In Person Library, Research Tech Ontario Library Association https://www.accessola.org/ 
In Person Social Science Canadian International Conference of Social Science and Education http://www.crchs.info/
June In Person Social Science & Arts International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology http://www.iassistdata.org/conferences 
In Person at U of Toronto
All Areas
Canadian International Conference on Education http://www.ciceducation.org/
July In person Science International Conference on Chemistry Education (ICCE) http://www.chem.utoronto.ca/ 
August Virtual Education EdmodoCon https://www.edmodo.com/publisher/edmodoCon  or https://edmodocon.com/ 


Check these websites for future events:




Websites for Professional Development (most are Free!)

Academic Earth Academic Earth curates a list of classes and video seminars on a variety of topics including science, mathematics, politics, public policy, art, history, and more. Varied




ASCD, which stands for the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, offers a wonderful assortment of articles and professional development. They publish a monthly periodically which you can read for free on their website. ASCD also offers a webinar series that covers a range of topics.

The Centre for Learning


This site offers free webinars and articles on education topics such as personal learning networks and differentiation.  Top educators give the seminars!

Code Academy CodeAcademy — Learn programming languages and web design with this free, interactive resource.
Concept to Classroom


A series of self-paced workshops covering a variety of education concepts and resources.

Coursera Coursera offers 800+ free classes (or register and pay for an official certificate of completion). Topics range from science and technology to social science and humanities. Varied
Digital Photography School Digital Photography School — From beginners to experienced photographers, you can learn to improve your photography skills Photography
Duolingo Learn a new language for free. Also suggested: BBC Languages. Language
Education Portal
Education-Portal.com has a list of universities offering free and for-credit online classes to students and the public at large. Education


This website supports the Growing Success document. The Video Resources section is especially useful as it breaks down Assessment, Learning Goals and Success Criteria and other topics by explaining terms and demonstrating how real-life teachers are using these strategies in their classrooms.  There are also print materials to support the videos. 



A free social network for educators that allows you to connect with other teachers and share ideas. The site also has free online PD resources.

edX edX is a collection of free courses from some of the world's top universities including University of California, Berkeley, MIT, and Harvard. Varied
Fast Company Fast Company's 30-Second MBA —Video clips from corporate executives share business advice and life lessons.



Gibbon Gibbon — Playlists of articles and videos to help you learn about a variety of topics from programming to effective storytelling. Varied


Lots of education topics! Live discussions or watch recordings of previous ones.

Powersearching with Google —Mastering your Google search skills.

Also, read  100 Google tricks that will save you time in school.




Instructables Instructables — Videos and written instructions teach you how to make anything from art, a 3D printer, robotics, furniture and more.

Intel Teach Elements


Free online courses on technology topics, assessment, collaboration, leadership, classroom inquiry, and more.



Investopedia Investopedia — Learn about investing, markets, and personal finance.



Khan Academy Khan Academy — Learn a wide variety of subjects through videos and sometimes quizzes and extra content. You can even track your progress. It's not just for math and science anymore but also art, social sciences and a variety of topics!
Lifehacker Night School

The Lifehacker Night School has tutorials and classes that help you out with diverse subjects like becoming a better photographer, building your own computer, or getting to know your network, among others.

Lifehacker offers an assortment of tips, tricks, and downloads for getting things done.



Literacy without Limits


Videos showing exemplary teaching practices around literacy issues.

Open Culture
Open Culture's list of free online courses listed by subject and includes classes available on YouTube, iTunes U, and direct from a sponsoring university or school's website. Varied
Open Courseware
The Open Courseware Consortium is a collection of colleges and universities that  offer seminars and full classes—complete with notes, memos, examinations, and other documentation - for free on the web! They also maintain a list of member schools around the world visit universities anywhere in the world and take the online classes they make available., so you can that allow you to visit actual university classes. Varied
Saylor Foundation
The Saylor Foundation offers a wide array of courses and entire course programs on topics from economics to political science and professional development. Varied
SimpleK12 http://www.simplek12.com/ offers free webinars and information about classroom management, technology integration and other education topics.  Sign up for free webinars.



Teachers First


Free online PD on a variety of topics. Browse for sessions of interest and read information or register to attend a chat-based conference. Moderators are available for all sessions to help you with any tech issues you might encounter.

Teaching channel


Videos of real teachers showing best practices.

TED Talks

TED talks are given by leaders in all industries on a variety of topics, including education.

TED-Ed is a library of award-winning, animated lessons created by expert educators, screenwriters, and animators.




Udacity offers offers for-credit courses instructor led by skilled and talented instructors who help you in such diverse topics as building a startup to programming a robotic car.

Udemy Udemy —Enjoy courses on everything from web development to playing the guitar. You can also teach your own classes through the platform.
University of Reddit
The University of Reddit is a crowd-built set of classes and seminars by Reddit users who have expertise to share. Topics range from computer science and programming to paleontology, narrative poetry, and Latin. Varied
Unplug the TV Unplug The TV —Instead of watching TV, visit this website for video suggestions. Topics range from space mining to "How Containerization Shaped the Modern World." Varied
VSauce VSauce — A curated Youtube Channel that provides interesting facts such as: What would happen if the world stopped spinning? Why do we get bored? How many things are there? Watch the videos and find out. You may find some useful videos for your class.



Professional Development for Limudei Kodesh

Note: We are in the process of collecting information. The following are links that have not been evaluated:


  • The Toronto Teacher's Centre offers free classes



Articles worth checking out: 




Coursera offers free classes for academic credit (if you're enrolled) or for a certificate of completion that shows you've learned a new skill. Topics range from science and technology to social science and humanities.

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